

怀着激动的心情,国际调色师协会(CSI)宣布,国际调色师协会中国分会即将成立。中国分会管理人员为:CSI调色师高铭(作品:《从21世纪安全撤离》《里斯本丸沉没》《我本是高山》《深海》)和CSI调色师张明珠(作品:《苍兰诀》《扬名立万》《莫尔道嘎》《恶棍天使》)。同时,分会将由尊正科技有限公司(国际调色师协会赞助商Flanders Scientific 合作伙伴)提供支持。

Colorist Society is very excited to announce the launch of a Chapter in China. Chapter officers include Colorist Ming Gao, CSI (Escape from the 21st Century, The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru, Beyond the Clouds and Deep Sea ) and Zoe Chang, CSI ( Love Between Fairy and Devil, Anima, Be Somebody and Devil and Angel). The Chapter will receive support from Zunzheng Scientific , partner of Colorist Society sponsor Flanders Scientific.


Based in the Peoples Republic of China, the Chapter is open to Mandarin speakers throughout East Asia. A China / Mandarin Chapter page, currently under development, will feature Mandarin language features about Colorist Society, information about locally sponsored events, and showreels from chapter members. The Chapter will also have a WeChat group.

国际调色师协会主席Kevin Shaw在中国给未来可期的调色师们授课。
Kevin Shaw teaches prospective colorists in China.

“能在中国推广国际调色师协会,我们感到无比兴奋,”近期在中国为充满抱负的调色师开展了4期全流程色彩管理大师课(CPMP)的CSI主席Kevin Shaw如是说,“调色师协会可以在地方层面发挥最大的影响力。国际调色师协会中国分会将通过一系列交流机会、教育活动、奖项赞助及其他活动,支持发展一个强大的调色师社区。同时,我们还非常期待与中国影视摄影师学会(CNSC)、中国电影电视技术学会(CSMPTE)等其他行业协会建立联系。”

“We are thrilled to introduce Colorist Society to China,” says CSI president Kevin Shaw, who recently hosted several training sessions for aspiring colorists in China. “Colorist Society can make its biggest impact at the local level. The China Chapter will support the development of a strong community of colorists through networking opportunities, educational events, awards sponsorships and other activities. We also look forward to forging ties with CNSC, Chinese SMPTE and other industry organizations.”


中央电视台总控中心,图片来源:央视新闻 【编者按】超高清(UHD)节目的市场需求将迎来爆发式增长,但 …


〖更新至3-10〗020年10月1日,电影《社交网络》迎来了它的10岁生日。尽管用于拍摄影片的RED Mysterium X传感器(也是十岁生日)现在已经过时,但《社交网络》掀起的热潮理应归功于当时的时代印记。


摄影指导(DP)罗伯特·理查森(Robert Richardson)的履历就如同一份“最佳影片”清单:《好莱坞往事》《八恶人》《禁闭岛》《被解救的姜戈》《刺杀肯尼迪》《华尔街》《赌城风云》……不胜枚举。虽然马丁·斯科塞斯、昆汀·塔伦蒂诺和奥利佛·斯通都是理查森的老搭档,但理查森并不是刚入行就为这群传奇导演拍摄。