从左至右依次为中国影视摄影师学会副会长杨述、国际调色师协会主席 Kevin Shaw、中国影视摄影师学会会长侯咏、英国顶尖后期制作公司The Finish Line创始人Zeb Chadfield、尊正欧美营销伙伴 CEO Bram Desmet
在2024 BIRTV展会上,尊正携手中国影视摄影师学会(CNSC)和国际调色师协会(CSI)举行了一场圆桌会议,主题为“HDR的未来已来!”。
At BIRTV 2024, Kevin Shaw, President of the Colorist Society, chaired a panel hosted by the Chinese Society of Cinematographers (CNSC) to discuss the use of High Dynamic Range (HDR) today.
在本次圆桌会议中,Kevin 分享了 HDR 正在改变创作内容的五种方式:
Here, Kevin shares is thoughts:
HDR has been debated since its launch in 2016, but as it evolves, we are still discovering the part it will play in tomorrow’s visual universe.
Here are five themes that arose in the recent panel discussion about how HDR is shaping filmmaking in 2024:
1.打破限制 Removing limitations
HDR’s ability to remove the limitations of Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) filmmaking is giving creators more range – literally. HDR allows cinematographers an easier way to deal with sky and other naturally high contrast situations, and to access a broader spectrum of colors which enhances the overall depth and realism of their visuals. HDR is about much more than just brighter images – it’s about creating a more immersive experience for viewers. By harnessing the new HDR display technologies, filmmakers can involve audiences in a much more emotional way.
2.追求更高的美学目标 Pursuing aesthetic goals
HDR 从根本上将关注的重点从克服技术挑战转为追求更具美感的目标。借助 HDR,电影摄影师可以利用现代化的布光和近几年色彩管理方面的改进来探索创意构想。这一进步意味着电影制作者可以捕捉到能与观众在更深的情感层次产生共鸣的精彩故事。更加广阔的动态范围可以转化为更加细腻的叙事,让暗部和高光都呈现精细的细节。
HDR fundamentally shifts the focus from overcoming technical challenges to pursuing more aesthetic goals. With HDR, cinematographers are empowered to explore creative visions using modern lighting and the improvements in color management from recent years. This evolution means that filmmakers can capture stunning narratives that resonate on a deeper emotional level. The increased dynamic range translates into more nuanced storytelling, allowing subtle details to shine through in both shadows and highlights.
3、增强“可见性” Enhanced visibility
HDR not only enhances the viewing experience for audiences, but also equips cinematographers with tools to see more of what they’re capturing. The improved visibility of image capture means that professionals can finetune their shots in real time, ultimately leading to a more polished final product. This advancement creates an exciting opportunity for cinematographers to push the boundaries of their craft, especially when collaborating with the finishing colorist early in production.
4、成本更低,实用性更高 More affordable, more ergonomic
尽管HDR监视器一度被人们认为价格过高,但在2024 BIRTV圆桌会议上,我们看到了更新、价格更加实惠且适合人们使用的解决方案。这为更加广阔的市场打开了大门,让新手电影制作者和规模更小的制片公司也能使用大型制片公司的同款工具。HDR让高质量项目不再是顶尖专业人士的专属领域,它鼓励以前所未有的质量、更多样的声音讲述更多样的故事。
Although HDR displays were once deemed prohibitively expensive, the BIRTV 2024 panel celebrated the newer, increasingly affordable and ergonomic solutions. This opens the door for a broader market, enabling emerging filmmakers and smaller production companies to access the same tools as major studios. With HDR, high-quality production is no longer the exclusive domain of the elite, allowing for a more diverse range of voices and stories to be told with unprecedented quality.
5、激发灵感 Heightened inspiration
As the discussion drew to a close, it became clear that HDR is more than just a technological advancement; it’s an inspiring tool that rekindles great passion within the filmmaking community. Many panelists expressed how hard it is to revert to SDR after experiencing the freedom and vibrancy that HDR provides. The emotive power of HDR allows filmmakers to express their visions with less labor and more creativity, leading to a more enjoyable and fulfilling production process.
2024 BIRTV圆桌会议呼吁世界各地的电影制作者使用HDR。通过打破限制、改善色彩管理以及使这项技术更易于获取,HDR使得电影摄影师的技艺水平得到提升。随着我们的不断进步,HDR无疑将在决定未来的视觉叙事中发挥关键作用——因此,现在正是加入电影界的激动时刻。
The BIRTV 2024 panel was a call for filmmakers everywhere to embrace HDR. By removing limitations; enhancing color management; and making this technology more accessible; HDR empowers cinematographers to elevate their art. As we move forward, HDR will undoubtedly play a crucial role in defining the future of visual storytelling – making this an exciting time to be a part of the cinematic world.
—— Kevin Shaw (CSI)
Kevin是国际调色师协会(Colorist Society)的主席兼创始人,国际调色师学院(International Colorist Academy)联合创始人,调色及相关技术的国际知名专家。
Kevin is President and Founder of Colorist Society, Co-Founder of the International Colorist Academy, and a globally renowned expert on color grading and related technology.
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出处:Colorist Society
翻译:Katja | 盖雅翻译小组